What is Credulous?

Credulous is a tool to make saving and retrieving AWS IAM credentials secure, simple and robust. The initial version saves credentials to your local hard drive, where you use them most. Later versions will support credential rotation and secure redistribution via common and well-understood patterns.

For more information on what Credulous can do, see the README

Authors and License

Credulous is primarily written and maintained by Colin Panisset and Mike Bailey from REA Group, owners of realestate.com.au.

It is released under the MIT Public License. We welcome pull requests against our github repo


You can download Credulous pre-built binaries and packages for Linux (in .RPM and .DEB format) from our GitHub Releases page

You can download binaries for OSX via the same GitHub releases page or, if you prefer, you can make use of the Homebrew method as described in the README


We're maintaining a simple set of FAQs for your edification. Suggestions welcome!