Credulous FAQs


Implementation Questions

What AWS rights are required for Credulous?

Saving and sourcing credentials: Credulous needs to be able to find out the IAM username and AWS account alias (if one is set), in order to save or sourceg the current credentials without the use of theg --force option. This corresponds to an IAM policy like this:

			  "Statement": [
			      "Sid": "PermitUserSeeOwnDetails",
			      "Action": [
			      "Effect": "Allow",
			      "Resource": "arn:aws:iam::*:user/${aws:username}"

Rotating credentials: For Credulous to be able to rotate your credentials, your IAM user needs to have the rights to create and delete your own Access Keys. This corresponds to an IAM policy that looks like:

			  "Statement": [
			      "Sid": "ManageOwnAccessKeys",
			      "Action": [
			      "Effect": "Allow",
			      "Resource": "arn:aws:iam::*:user/${aws:username}"


Can I contribute to Credulous development in some way?

Yes! We like contributions! You could help out in one of a few ways: